day 89 - where I reside

What about you, where do you spend most of your time?
I recently moved my desk into the kitchen, the husband thought it a strange concept until I reminded him that now we would be able to watch movies, listen to music, check email, etc... while spending more time in the central part of the house, instead of me being closed up in my back office, not coming out for hours on end! I swear I feel like I'm walking out of a cave when I come out of there. Of course it would help if I would spend more time doing other things, I'm definitely aware of that... lol
This computer is a huge part of my life, I'll admit it. It's where I create, gather information, learn new ideas. It's how I stay connected to so many people that I love. So many things that might otherwise be close to impossible, or at the very least quite difficult. It is through this computer that I am back in touch with my best friend and so enjoy sitting down to coffee with her in the early morning hours on Sundays via instant messenger. It's the next best thing to being there right now.
A couple days ago I asked the husband if he missed playing World of Warcraft, which he played faithfully for years but recently stopped playing, and the answer was no, not like I would miss my computer if I didn't have it, we both agreed I'd probably lay down and die if that were to happen.
Okay, I lie, I wouldn't lay down and die, but I think you all know what I mean.
So tell me where you spend most of your time. Is it on your computer, out in your garden, behind your sewing machine, or with your nose in a book? I love to know how my friends spend their days and what their lives are like!


Can I tell you that I just love ALL the songs you pick for your blogs? They truly move me :-)

I am in the process of making a new blog myself. It's time to blog away some of the pain.

Like you, I spend a lot of time behind my laptop which is, of course, portable LOL It travels with me to my kitchen where I pull out my recipes, my office where I work on my preschool curriculum, the livingroom where I keep in touch with my sisters who live thousands of miles away and to my Mother-in-law's house to help her with everyday living.

I do spend A LOT of time on my computer but almost all of it is at work.

After work it's practice, tv, kids, and reading.

Yeah - I'm usually behind my computer too - with a book or knitting with me!

Look how clean & neat your desk is... jealous! :-)

In my room reading books..not lying, I'm completely boring that way!

TIFF!!!! I have missed you so muches! I am finally getting caught up on blog reads and see you have moved....

Just found you through In the Real World Venus vs. Mars.... coming from Upstate NY!

I can say that since you got me hooked on blogging, the outlet for myself...I have been very in tuned with my laptop!!
Sunday, I logged in (at 6am) to have coffee with my BFF, you, and I was on this computer ALL day. I took a break for about 2 hours but logged out around 8pm......
I used to just watch movie after movie...since I am unable to get around like most people...
But most of all, I am happy to be able to have time with you!!! Man that sounds like I am sucking up or
love ya

I've just recently become hooked on blogging!!! I try to do most of it during the day, so that when my kids come home from school I have time to spend with them before heading off to work.......If only there were more hours in a day!

i love seeing where you to picture you there saying hi to us!!

Thank you so much, everyone! I was so happy to see you all show up on my "followers" list!! Just like old friends coming for a visit. :o)

I love you Poohbutt! And your blog is sexy hot!!!

P.S. Love You...Ur Red Hot Chef! =]

LOL, okay, don't everyone freak out and think I'm leaving myself strange comments and start sending the whitecoats after me, that's the husband on my computer hahaha

Phew.. I was getting all jealous of Poohbutt ROFL

ROFL, too funny!
I don't know why in the world he calls me that, he's done it since we first got together, we live a very strange existance...

Yeah, I was beginning to wonder what was going on. Well Poohbutt, have a good

I am so lucky. I have a MacBook and a back porch which looks out on the birds, the ferns, the oaks, the magnolias, the sky, the dirt.
This is where I love to spend my time when I am not spending my time actually out there with my hands IN the dirt.
Good question.

Ooh, Ms. Moon, you truly are lucky, and not just to have a MacBook either hehe
I love that you recognize the beauty of where you live, so many people out there spend so much time being miserable that they forget to look around them and realize how incredibly lucky they are!

I'm at the computer too much for sure. It's in my bedroom at the back of my house, and I've always wanted it in the living room or the kitchen so I could be where the action is! I feel like I'm in a cave, too. We're hoping to get a new one soon and put it somewhere else.

I like the computer, but I LOVE books.

I spend lots of time in front of my computer, most of it for work since I work at home. I try to be very disciplined with it so my family doesn't feel too neglected.

I vote for miniture pearl buttons for that beautiful sweater.

And I agree, there are so many benefits to being a grown woman! Today for lunch I had a cookie BEFORE my sandwich was even made. :)

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Horseshoe Bay, TX, United States
Just a simple Southern girl looking for a place called home...

Pretty please...

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