day 95 - bane of my existance

For the next month or so, this will be the biggest thorn in my side, every morning and every afternoon. What was 2 lanes on each side will now be reduced to 1 lane on each side while they take a month to paint this bridge, thereby blocking traffic in every single direction there is, ACK.
The only positives I can think of is that I won't be the only one, and there will be plenty of time for taking pictures while I'm stuck in traffic. I love to make people wonder what I'm taking a picture of when I'm driving along! LOL OH, and we'll have a freshly painted bridge when they're done, that will be nice!


I can relate. I was reading the paper about the construction projects that are beginning this week and lamenting because they are the roads I frequently use.

I love this shot!

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Horseshoe Bay, TX, United States
Just a simple Southern girl looking for a place called home...

Pretty please...

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