So I got to thinking, cus that's what I do when I'm sitting here at 4:45 in the a.m., that I might like to have a challenge here at Window. You know, a challenge where everyone gets involved and I actually attempt to put up mr. linky? Anyone up for it?
Here's a hint, think "dream house" ;o)
And that's it, that's all anyone's getting. Partly because I have to go get ready for work, and partly because I need some time to figure out the whole mr. linky thing. Will try to get it all up this evening, and hope that you all join in! So go on now, start thinking about what your dream house would look like, and you might want to start hunting down pics on the internet while you're at it, the more detailed the better!

♥ T.


Oh, nice way to leave us all out here hanging ALL day. JK

Can't wait to hear your idea and start having fun with it.

A super tease!

Oh, and when you figure out Mr. Linky, would you share with moi!!??

interesting challenge!

Are we sending you pictures ? This will be fun and surprising I have lots of dream homes gunna be hard to narrow it down, speaking of cute houses when you go to Texas are you going to be near a town called Fredericksburg? Got lots of picutres in a file of that place.'re giving away a dream house!? ☺ bwhahaha.

you know that whatever fun stuff you do on here...i'm so THERE! looking forward to it!

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Horseshoe Bay, TX, United States
Just a simple Southern girl looking for a place called home...

Pretty please...

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