day 106 - at last...

day 105 - pretty pink curly Qs


How beautiful....

those are beautiful!! Are they in your yard?

Beautiful! Can I cheat and copy your 365 pictures theme? I realize I'm only 106 days late *lol*

Oh and PS my new blog is finally up. Don't cha wanna be trendy and be my first follower? LOL

Thanks everyone!! I'm really having fun learning new ways to use the little Kodak digital that my Dad gave me a couple years ago!
Sara, the pink ones are in my yard, but the white ones are on a tree in the church yard a block over. I made the mistake of touching and smelling them, no my eyes are all swollen! LOLOL

Pretty pretty!

Hey Sweetie...I know I am behind, but I love your new blog!!! what a wonderful job and so beautiful!!
Hugs to you!!!

Isn't spring beautiful?

Smiles and sunshine...Bev

Oh lovely! It is so wrong my eyes watered a little looking at these and my nose tickled just a bit. I love you Spring, but I can't touch you. :)

I think next year I'll do the 365 picture thingamajig.

what kind of camera do you have? those pix are amazing!!!!

Susan, you should totally do the 365 pic thing!You could always start now and just end a year from now. :O)

Wow! Beautiful!

OMG, I thought I came in here in the other day.

I love the pink flowers. How pretty. That would make a great black and white picture.

I decorated a room in my house with black and white and some of the pics I used were from a friends garden. I took her color pictures and copied them in black and whote, they came out incredible.

Each flower is so lovely, however
the curly pinky ones have stolen
my heart.

thanks for stopping at my blog! You are welcome!

About your question...

My layout is a digital version of scrapbooking. I use a image processing application named Photo Impact - you´ll get it very cheap... or you could use a very expensive one named Photo Shop

Stuff you´ll get free here or here or at many other places.

You also could buy stuff in many shops. My 365-project pages are made with stuff from here

If you have other questions you are welcome to ask! If you understand my terrible english LOL

So, that´s about your questions. Now I´ll visit your blog and look at your fantastic shots

Wish you a wonderful weekend

Bye CU maybe tomorrow again?

I swear I took the exact same pic as your first one! How funny is that?!

Bentonflocke, thank you so much for the tips on photo programs, going to check them all out. I have always used MGI Photosuite, just because I'm used to it and it's very user friendly. But I also kind of like, which offers a couple of options that my version of photosuite doesn't...

love the flowers. Beautiful!

I love those flower pictures. Are these in your yard. In a few weeks (hopefully) we will see things like this.

Blessings to you

flowers are just my favorites...and your are gorgeous!

dems purdy.
Do you use a macro setting?

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Horseshoe Bay, TX, United States
Just a simple Southern girl looking for a place called home...

Pretty please...

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