Project 365
Wow, hard to believe we are already on week 16 of Project 365! Please click on the picture above to learn more about the project, Sara's done a great job of hosting it!
I'm having the best fun, and am now in the habit of carrying my camera everywhere I go learning new and better ways to use the sweet little Kodak c533 that my Dad gave me for Christmas a couple years ago. It's been the best camera I've ever had, thanks Dad!

day 108 - backyard beauties

I'm not sure what these are called, they were here when we moved in.
They have no scent but they sure are pretty, coming back year after year! Something I always look forward to.
It's been the most gorgeous weekend of the year so far! Yesterday I spent a couple hours at the garden center, just browsing and thinking about what I'd like to plant this year. Leaning toward some lighter colored Hostas to break up the dark green of everything else. The husband murdered my blackberry bush that was out back so I'm going to get another one and just plant it in a different spot. He was right, it was taking over and we couldn't even get in and out of the shed anymore, I'll be smarter about where I put it this time, I had no idea how HUGE it would get when I planted it as a tiny little cutting right after we moved in! If you are ever looking for something quick and easy to grow, I would definitely suggest a blackberry bush.
What's with all the bees and wasps this year? Anyone else notice they are out in abundance and pretty much taking over the planet? Can't even walk out to the car without them trying to attack! Will have to see if there are some nests around somewhere and figure out what to do about them. Can't have another incident like last year when John Paul got stung between the eyes!
Hubby finally pulled our bikes out of the garage. I got mine about 3 years ago, rode it a whopping 4 times and then put it away. I know I know.... Anyway, one of the innertubes is no good anymore so he picked one up and is going to get it all fixed up for me. Not so lucky with his, he has to get a whole new rim, but once he does I'm looking forward to nice evening rides together, exploring new routes where we can safely ride without getting mangled by careless drivers!
I'll take a picture of my bike as soon as the flat is gone, it's a cutie, you'll love it! And even Chad, who used to be a big bike rider, thinks I got lucky with the comfy seat, he now wants one like it for his bike.

day 107 - pogo
Anyone else play?

I'll be back later with more pictures for day 109, which is actually today, I'm a little behind but there's nothing new there. lol Headed over to my daughter's house to spend the afternoon with them, in celebration of Easter, since we weren't able to get together last weekend. It will be the first holiday dinner they've had in their new home! Taking over a few little goodies for the boys and am thinking about stopping and picking up some seed packets for them, as well. Nicole is starting her very first flower garden, can't wait to see what she plants, she mentioned roses, but I'm not sure.
Hope you're all having a great weekend full of rest and relaxation!



Love your photos this week, especially the tree blossoms from 4/16. Wow!

I can't help you identify the blossoms. They sure are pretty though!

Love the flower it is very pretty.

Oh yeah, you are in a different part of the USA, because rain has plagued the weekend here. But I am ok snuggling up in my recliner with some movies. So mine was good to.

PS--morning coffee with my BFF is just the best!!

WOW - the flowers are so pretty! Love that spring is finally here :)

I think this could be a Rhododendron!

Fantastic shot of the blossoms!

the flowers are beautiful!

but what is that game? I've never seen it!

Thank you for the comments everyone!
Bentonflocke, I think you're right about it being a Rhododendron. :o)
Sara, is a game website that has all kinds of games, I have so much fun with it! There's a free membership and a paid membership, I really prefer the paid membership just because it offers more games, and badges and things like that, but either way, it's a lot of fun.

My guess was azalea but now that it has been mentioned it does look more like a rhodie.

Blackberries are such a nuisance in our city. They grow everywhere and takeover huge amounts of land. They are very hard to get rid of.

Pogo FTW! I go through spurts of playing there a lot then not at all.

Beautiful flowers and I'll have to check out that game site!

For anyone who plays, or ends up playing, at - please feel free to add me to your friends list, my screen name is celticross17!

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Horseshoe Bay, TX, United States
Just a simple Southern girl looking for a place called home...

Pretty please...

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