Wow, where did the week go? Oh yes, that's right, I've spent it in a Benadryl enhanced stupor, trying to rid the havoc that the pollen and dog dander are wreaking on my sinuses. BLECH! Anyone else having more problems with allergies this year than any other, or is it just me?
Anyway, here's my little catch-up for Project 365, before I let it get away from me...

day 113 - appreciation

Today was Administrative Professionals Day, my co-workers surprised me with cupcakes and red Tulips, one of my favorite flowers.

day 112 - April

The picture on my kitchen calendar.

day 111 - favorite

This painting hangs on the wall in my living room, it's one of my all time favorites.

day 110 - handpainted details

Part of my Mexican bird collection.

♥ T


I LOVE that painting and the handpainted bird. Good photos too.

Sorry, didn't mean to be rude so came back to hope that you'll feel better soon. Ever tried a netti pot?

I desperately want that cupcake, lol!

Hope you're feeling better quickly!

Tiffany, you take some AMAZING pictures! Truly! That cupcake one especially - love the way you shot that one. I'm going to have to be back to visit and get some photography tips! :)

Hope you are feeling better soon!

Great shots! Love the tulip and the cupcake most!

Have a good weekend!

Allergies have hit me in full force already this year too. I second the motion of a netti pot!

Great the cupcake shot!

allergies are killing us here in AR!!

oh, that cupcake looks so good!!!! I just want to reach in the screen and grab it!

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Horseshoe Bay, TX, United States
Just a simple Southern girl looking for a place called home...

Pretty please...

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