Welcome back for the second part of our Dream Home Challenge! Today we're describing our dream living room, can't wait to see what everyone comes up with, I know a couple of you were excited about this part of the challenge.

Photo courtesy of BHG.com

Every single thing about this first picture makes me happy! A small but cozy space that feels so homey and inviting. A place where I could sit back comfortably and enjoy whatever I'm doing at the moment. There's nothing about this room that I would change, I don't think. The color on the walls is more daring that I would normally choose, but I love it!

Absolutely adore this Courting Birds lamp! There's always room for pretty little birds somewhere, don't you think?

Then for overhead lighting, I would choose a few pendant lights like these. They cast a nice soft glow for romantic evenings at home.

I would find space for all of my beautiful handpainted birds from Mexico. All shapes, sizes and colors to make up such a fun display! I have always loved this collection and look forward to adding more to it someday soon!

No living room is complete without a beautiful rocking chair for those days when the grandbabies are over and are in need of some snuggle time with Nana! The one in the picture is just perfect, I think. Back not too high, but just high enough to rest your head on, nice comfy cushions for those long nights when rocking a baby to sleep can last a while. (not that we really mind that, do we?)

And these two pictures, well, I am lucky enough to have both of them hanging in my living room now and wouldn't part with them for the world. No matter where I call home, they will always come with me and hang for all to see.

For the floors I would love all hard wood, but would have to have a large area rug to make sitting on the floors nice and comfortable! Love this one with all natural fibers and a cotton tomato red border! Nice and simple but with a touch of color.

I was going to say that I don't think that I'd have a t.v., but movie watching is such a big part of my life so I just don't think I would go that route. I think that I'd choose something like this unit but would put a door on it to hide the tv away when not in use.

Well, this edition of the Dream Home Challenge has been a lot of fun! I'm sorry to have gotten it up a day late, didn't want anything to interfere with the Mother's Day post from yesterday!
Hope that you'll all join in this week by posting about your dream living room and then adding your link to Mr. Linky below!

Next week we'll move on to the dining room!


Some feel functionality is much more important than appearance, & usually I agree, but not when it comes to those 2 pictures. I will be stopping by later to steal the second one off your wall. ~Mary

I'm all about blending comfort with beauty and love to mix the old and the new.

That's a great lr but if you think that wall color is daring, you should see my barn red!

Love that bungalow look with fireplace and windows if and when I get this office done I am going to start on my old living room next, would you believe it still has original paint and carpet.

man, i missed it this week. so now i'll just camp out looking at the first photo and enjoy yours!!!

Thanks for coming by and commenting, everyone! As soon as I win the lottery I'm building this dream house and you're all invited over! :o)

My dream living room is up for everyone. Enjoy!!

It isn't showing up on my blog, let me know if you can see it. Thanks

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Horseshoe Bay, TX, United States
Just a simple Southern girl looking for a place called home...

Pretty please...

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