Whew, finally made it to the three day weekend, I wasn't so sure I was going to make it in one piece! lol This will be a fairly busy one for us, painting the bedroom, two bbq's with family, etc... Looking forward to fitting a little relaxation in there somewhere too, definitely my favorite way to pass the time...I was going to post the Dream Home challenge but apparently Mr. Linky is having a few problems, so I guess it's going to have to wait. Sorry about that! Here are my catch up photos for Project 365, FINALLY:

day 141 - early morning

day 140 - enchiladas

Made them last night, they aren't officially even close to the real thing but we love them! 


12 corn tortillas
cooking spray
2 packages shredded cheese, I use the fiesta blend
3 cans chili, no beans (I would use Wolf Brand, but PA doesn't sell it :o()
You could always add chopped sauteed onions if you care for them

  • Pre-heat oven to 375
  • Spray bottom of baking dish with cooking spray.
  • Spread one can of chili on the bottom of dish.
  • Heat tortillas in skillet until pliable, otherwise they will crack when you're rolling them.
  • Fill each tortilla with as much cheese as you want and then roll them up, placing them side by side in the dish.
  • Heat the chili in a pan for a few minutes then pour and spread over the top of the enchiladas, then top with the remaining cheese.
  • Bake, uncovered, in preheated oven for about 30 minutes or until heated through.

day 139 - naughtiness epitomized! 

Won't go into what he's been doing all week, let's just say it's not been pretty and leave it at that.

day 138 - primed and ready to go

All week my husband has been laid off from work (this happens every school holiday) so he's been busy priming walls for paint. I've got free range to pick the colors, and while I have the bedroom all picked out, I'm a little stumped on the living and dining rooms. Any good suggestions? 

day 137 - Vanna's Choice

Currently my favorite yarn for just about any project. I love the colors and textures. This project will be in Sweet Pea and Linen.

day 136 - my choice

This week I tried a new recipe for homemade dishwasher soap and the results were fantastic! Usually with store bought soap there are always spots left on our dishes and I always wonder if they are really getting clean, but with this stuff, there was not a spot to be seen!
Tracy has also been experimenting with making her own cleaners, she has the savings broken down over at The Brown Eyed Pea
Automatic Dishwasher Detergent

~1 Cup salt
~2 Cups baking soda (the kind you cook with, not washing soda)
~ 2 Cups borax (keep out of reach of children.)
~2 Cups Orange Tang (yes, the stuff we drank in the 70's!)

Mix all together and store in an air tight jar. Use 1 Tablespoon in each compartment and wash normally. If you have hard water, you might want to increase the amount to 2-3 Tablespoons and add white vinegar to the rinse compartment.

day 135 - clusters

day 134 - opposites

Spent last Saturday out at my daughter's house watching the boys. These two couldn't be more opposite from each other, John is always running around like a little tornado and Josh is usually sitting back taking it all in, giving a step by step account of what John is doing. lol


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Oh how I wish I had been able to eat those enchiladas with you. We ate at a nearby Mexican restaurant last night and it just so-so. Yours look yummy!

The enchiladas look wonderful! And the "naughtiness" photo cracked me up. Definitely looks the same as some expressions I've seen around here. :) Great pictures!

You make enchiladas just like me!!!! I also use wolf brand chili but can't get it in AR either!!! ugh!

that puppy looks so sweet...can't believe the stories of naughtiness!!!

The dog photo cracked me up. He looks SO guilty!
Don't have a dishwasher right now but I'm going to hang onto that recipe for detergent - thanks for sharing!
Your photos are great!

Hi everyone!
LOL well, he really is a sweet doggy, but for some reason the past week he was not at his best!

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Horseshoe Bay, TX, United States
Just a simple Southern girl looking for a place called home...

Pretty please...

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