Wow, are we on week 23 already?! We're just about half way there, hard to believe! I've been enjoying this project so much... Sara's done such a great job of hosting this project, always keeping on top of it, even when things are hectic, big shout out to her!
If you would like to see more Project 365 photos, just click on the button and head on over, you won't be disappointed!
Okay, first off, an admission. I didn't take pictures every day this past week. I let the stress of life get to me and hardly even got on the computer to do much of anything, which says a lot! lol
So the past couple days I've gotten out and took enough pictures to make up for it. I was doing so good about the daily photo, but things happen and I'm just going to pick back up where I left off.

I think this is Queen Ann's Lace but can't be certain.

Blackberry blossoms

Nothing more beautiful than Peonies!

Took this one on my walk yesterday, not sure what they are.



...and again

My best friend, Jess, just got a brand new digital camera and sent me several photos, they were all fantastic but this one is my favorite. I think she really has an eye for photography!
Great job Jess!

Dinner for our fine feathered friends.

Sweet Pea
(from Vanna's Choice Baby line of yarn)

First thing I see each day when I turn the corner on to the main street from our house.

Coffee and tea are always better in this sweet little mug from Dad!

This always makes for a very good day when it comes in the mail!


beautiful pictures! and good for you for getting right back in after missing a few days!! We all have those weeks!

I LOVE, LOVE blackberries!! I can't wait for picking season!!! Are those in your yard?

What great pics! You keep up the good work, you really do a great job. Maybe you are a couple days behind but you make up for it when you bring out pictures like the ones you posted.

Great pics! Love the mug! I could use one of those! :)

The picture that you think is Queen Annes Lace...well my Mother in Law had that at her house and I was visiting her the other night...I loved that plant..took a few to plant in my yard..she had no idea what is was..I googled "flower plant that looks like Queen Ann's Lace"...Images on google show that it is POISON is a very invasive plants and very poisonous to people and won't get a rash like you do from other poison plants but it can be deadly if ingested..wear gloves when touching may want to do a search on this plant....Hopefully, I am wrong..but it does look like poison hemlock...let me know what you come up with.....BY the way...LOVE YOUR BLOG!!!

Wonderful pictures this week. Peonies are my all time favorite flower. Blessings, SusanD

Lovely, lovely flower photos! I have a favorite mug, too, and accidentally broke the handle but hubby to the rescue! He fixed it right up and I'm back to drinking my coffee or tea in style :-)

Hope you have a great week!

Those are gorgeous pictures!

Beautiful flowers. Seeing your crochet stuff makes me want to get back into some of my needlework. I've been contemplating it for awhile.

Wow! I feel like I just walked through a lovely garden! Thank you! And it is as if I can smell the peonies!

Thank you so much for all the wonderful comments everyone!!! I can't tell you how much they are appreciated!

WOW those pictures are so beautiful!!! I think this is great that you are doing that. SOMEDAY I'll get my act together!

Great photos, I love the one of the crosses, how lucky to see that every day.

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Horseshoe Bay, TX, United States
Just a simple Southern girl looking for a place called home...

Pretty please...

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